
Ribes alpinum L.

Eng.: Mountain currant.   Spa.: Grosellero de montaña, tremoncillera, calderilla, cascalleja, cicerolas.   Fre.: Gadelier alpin, groseillier des Alpes.

Shrub 0.5-1.5 m in height, dioecious, unarmed. Stems ± straight, sometimes intricate. Branches glabrous, silvery grey or pale ferruginous in colour. Leaves (0.7)1-4.5(6) cm wide, palmatifid to palmatipartite, with 3-5 scalloped lobes or incise-serrate, the central lobe attenuate at the base; cordate, truncate or rarely attenuate at the base, with long glanduliferous scattered hairs, and eglanduliferous generally shorter, although the latter sometimes may be missing. Inflorescence erect racemes, male racemes (0.8)1.5-3(3.8) cm and with up to 30 flowers; female racemes 0.5-2(2.5) cm, with 2-5(8) flowers; both types have a main axis with abundant glanduliferous hairs; bracts (2.5)3-6(6.5) mm in length, same or longer than those of the flowers, lanceolate or oblong, glandulous on the margin, rather scarious. Flowers up to 3.5 mm; pedicels similar in length, glandulous, articulated near the base. Sepals 1.5-2.5 mm, patent, oblong to spatulate, somewhat uneven, obtuse, glabrous, yellowish-green. Petals less than 1 mm, from greenish to purple. Stamens slightly longer than petals in male flowers, shorter and with anthers without pollen on the female flowers. Berry 5-7 mm, globose, glabrous, red in colour.


May to July.



No data for this region


Rocks and rocky outcrops of high siliceous and limestone mountains, with high precipitation.


Europe (up to the Caucasus and northern Russia) and in North Africa. In the latter region, it grows in Morocco, finding refuge at 2,000-3,300 m altitude in the eastern Middle Atlas (Bu-Iblan, Guelb-er-Rahal and Tichoukt Python) and in the eastern High Atlas (Jebel Ayachi).

Conservation status:

Currently, it is not assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In North Africa it is a very rare species, so if it were to be evaluated at a national and/or regional level it would possibly be placed in a threat category.
