
Lonicera biflora Desf.

L. canescens Schousb.

Eng.: Honeysuckle.   Spa.: Madreselva.   Fre.: Chèvrefeuille.   Ara.: Tiski, tainchfelt.

Climbing shrub, evergreen, hermaphrodite, with sarmentose branches up to 5 m long. Bark greyish, that peels off into longitudinal strips. Younger branchlets pubescent. Leaves opposite (2-9 cm long), petiolate, never fused, ovate to cordiform, ending in a subacute tip, with entire margin, finely pubescent on both sides, petiole also finely pubescent, green along the upper side, much lighter and greenish-grey on the underside. Flowers elongated, tubular (3-5 cm long), pubescent, borne in pairs on the axil of the leaves, geminate, with a single peduncle of 4-15 mm. Ovary ovoid crowned by a small calyx with 5 subacute lips. Corolla tubular, irregular, yellowish-white as it ages, with a single lobe on the lower lip and 4 smaller fused lobes on the upper lip. Stamens 5. Style and stamens very exserted from the corolla tube. Fruit a berry, black when mature.


May to July.



Late summer and early autumn.


Forests and thickets with high edaphic moisture, generally next to watercourses, on very diverse terrains, from sea level up to 1,600 m in altitude. From semiarid (in that case, along watercourses) to humid bioclimate, on mainly thermomediterranean and mesomediterranean floors.


Western Mediterranean. In North Africa, it is widely distributed over the non-steppic Mediterranean area of ​​Morocco and NW of Algeria.

Conservation status:

Although it may become a relatively common species in some localities, it is usually a rare species. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
