

Family of about 22 genera and about 285 species of trees, shrubs and herbs, distributed particularly throughout dry, semiarid and arid areas around the world. In N Africa it is represented by 5 genera. Balanites, represented by an arboreal species, Fagonia and Zygophyllum, by shrubs or shrubs, and the other 2, Tribulus and Seetzenia, formed by herbaceous species. Some authors (Christenhusz et al., 2018) propose a very synthetic treatment where Fagonia is included in Zygophyllum, despite being morphologically very different. While waiting for further studies to confirm the appropriate approach, we have chosen to maintain Fagonia as an independent genus since in field practice they are easily distinguishable.

Christenhusz, M.J.M., Fay, M.F. & Byng, J.W. (eds.) 2018. The Global Flora 4, GLOVAP nomenclature part 1. Plant Gateway, Bradford, United Kingdom.

Ozenda, P. & Quézel, P. 1956. Les Zygophyllacées de l’Afrique du Nord et du Sahara. Travaux de l’Institut de Recherches Sahariennes, 14: 23-83.

Key to genera

1 Trees or shrubs over 1 m in height, spinescent or with spiny branches; fruit a drupe Balanites

1 Herbs or shrubs woody at the base only and never taller than 80 cm; fruit a capsule or a schizocarp, with 4-5 locules usually very marked 2

2 Stipules spinescent Fagonia

2 Stipules not spinescent Zygophyllum

Updated by: J.F. Mota, J. Güemes & F.J. Pérez García.
