
Balanites Delile

Genus from about 10(25) species of trees or shrubs, spiny with deciduous or semideciduous leaves, with simple or branched spines, derived from the axillary buds of the leaves. It is represented in North Africa by a single species; B. aegyptiaca, of Saharan-tropical Distribution.

Arbonnier, M. 2004. Trees, shrubs and lianas of West African dry zones. Editions Quae.

Boffa, J. M. 1999. Agroforestry parklands in sub-Saharan Africa. FAO.

Orwa, C., Mutua, A., Kindt, R., Jamnadass, R., & Simons, A. 2009. Agroforestree database: a tree species reference and selection guide version 4.0. World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF, Nairobi, KE.

Sagna, M.B., Niang, K.S., Guisse, A. & Goffner, D. 2014. Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile: geographical distribution and ethnobotanical knowledge by local populations in the Ferlo (north Senegal). Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18(4), 503.

Updated by: J.F. Mota, F.J. Pérez García & J. Charco.
