
Vachellia gerrardii

Acacia iraqensis Rch. fil. A. gerrardii var. najdensis Chaudhary, A. pachyceras var. najdensis (Chaudhary) Boulos

Eng.: Acacia.   Spa.: Acacia.   Fre.: Acacia.   Ara.: Talh, sayyal.

Tree up to 7-10 m in height, spiny, hermaphrodite, deciduous, usually with a multi-stemmed trunk and highly branched towards the top, and an intricate crown. Trunk and main branches with bark fissured longitudinally, grey or greyish-red, that does not peel. Young branches hairy at first, then reddish-brown and glabrous. Stipular spines 2-5(8) cm, paired, almost horizontal, straight, whitish, sometimes reduced to hooked spines 3-5 mm. Leaves 2.5-6 cm, alternate, bipinnate, with petiole c. 1 cm, petiole and rachis tomentose, the latter with 3-9 pairs of pinnae —with 1 gland at the insertion of the upper pinnae—, each with (8)10-20(23) pairs of leaflets 1.7-3.5 × 0.8-1.2 mm, oblong, rounded at the apex, subsessile, tomentose-puberulent, rarely glabrous, green. Inflorescences in spherical capitula, 8-12(15) mm in diameter, axillary, solitary or in fascicles of up to 3, pedunculate —peduncle up to 3 cm, tomentose— with numerous minute flowers, white, cream or pale yellow. Calyx c. 1.5 mm, with puberulous teeth. Corolla c. 2.5 mm. Stamens numerous. Pods 6-12 cm × 6-12(16) mm, linear or with slightly sinuous margins, pendulous, falcate, not constricted between the seeds, compressed, reddish-brown, puberulent-tomentose although sometimes glabrous with age, dehiscent , with 6-8 seeds. Seeds 6-8 × 6-8 mm, ellipsoid, compressed, brown, smooth.


July to October.



In November.


Desert and semi-desert areas. It is one of the main species of the vegetation in wadis, and its distribution appears to be closely linked to the caravan routes.


The species grows in the central Sahel and in eastern Africa. The subspecies grows in the Sinai Peninsula, Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and Iraq.

Conservation status:

A relatively common and widespread species, not considered threatened. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
