
Ribes uva-crispa L.

R. grossularia L., R. reclinatum L.

Eng.: Gooseberry.   Spa.: Uva espina, grosellero espinoso.   Fre.: Groseillier épineux, Groseillier à maquereaux.   Ara.: Adil n-wussen, fadijji.   Tam.: Tizurín inilten, ijdij, inhris, zedmumu, taghmamust, n’uchen.

Shrub or subshrub, deciduous, hermaphrodite, spiny, up to 1.5 m in height. Very ramose, ± intricate, with strong straight or slightly curved spines, about 8-10 mm, usually in groups of 3. Stems and old branches greyish —younger ones whitish—, a little fissured. Younger branches pubescent, greenish. Leaves alternate, grouped into short brachyblasts. Its outline is suborbicular, 0.7 to 5(6) cm in diameter, palmatifid or palmatipartite with 3-5 ± deep lobes, scalloped, pubescent on both sides, but particularly on the underside and margins, hairs a mix of eglanduliferous and glanduliferous or, frequently, glabrescent; green on both sides, but a little darker on the upper side, petiolate, with petioles nearly as long as the leaf. Flowers axillary, solitary, sometimes geminate, rarely ternate, with articulated pedicel. Calyx with 3-5 sepals, obovate-oblong, with rounded tip, about 3 mm long, pink or greenish-pink, petal-like. Corolla with 5 very small petals (1.3-1.5 mm), almost squamiform, same colour as the sepals. Stamens 5, erect, with white-pink filaments and yellow anthers. Fruit an ovoid-globose berry 8-15 mm long, crowned by the marcescent perianth, with glanduliferous hairs or glabrous, greenish, yellowish or purple.


March to June.



August to October.


Forests, meadows, thickets, and rocks in areas with subhumid to humid bioclimate, mesomediterranean to oromediterranean floors. Between 1,500 and 3,400 m in altitude.


Europe, W central Asia and North Africa. In the latter region, in Morocco (Rif, Middle Atlas, High Atlas, Anti-Atlas and mountainous areas) and NE Algeria (Djurdjura, Aures and Refâa Mounts).


Polymorphic species of which 3 varieties have been distinguished in North Africa, easily recognizable by its fruit: var. atlanticum Ball, with glabrous berries; var. subatlanticum Maire, with hairy non glandular berries, and var. glanduliferum (H.Lindb.) Maire, with hairy and glandular berries.

Conservation status:

It is a common species. Currently, it is not assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
