
Jasminum fruticans L.

Eng.: Wild jasmine.   Spa.: Jazmín silvestre.   Fre.: Jasmin jaune.   Ara.: Bu lila, kyane, yasmine el berr, yasmine, jauhar addar.   Tam.: Agurmi, gurmi.

Shrub, semiperennial, marcescent, hermaphrodite, only shedding its leaves after the harshest winters, up to 1.5(2) m in height, erect or sometimes somewhat climbing. Main stem with brown-greyish bark. Branches elongated, slender, angular, with green bark. Branchlets very fragile, glabrous, green. Leaves usually trifoliolate, rarely simple, with long petiole, alternate. Leaflets (0.7-3.5 × 0.3-2 cm), subequal, central leaflet slightly larger, from elliptic to oblong, sessile, coriaceous, glabrous, deep green on the upper side and slightly lighter on the underside. Inflorescence axillary, with 1-4 flowers, at the end of the branchlets. Flowers yellow, very fragrant. Calyx green, shaped into a short tube, with 5 lobes, linear, shorter than the corolla tube. Corolla yellow, very showy, formed into a long narrow tube (10-14 mm) which then opens into the shape of a star with 5 lobes (12-16 mm in diameter). Stamens 2 and pistil included in the corolla tube. Fruit a globose berry, 0.4-0.7 mm in diameter, with black-glossy surface. Seeds 1-2.


March to May.



June to August.


Forests, thickets and rocky outcrops from sea level up to 2,500 m. From semiarid to humid bioclimate, on inframediterranean and thermomediterranean floors.


Mediterranean region. In North Africa it is not a very common plant, but it appears throughout the Mediterranean area, except for steppic or extremely cold areas. To the S it reaches the Anti-Atlas.

Conservation status:

Rare but widely distributed species. In North Africa it is very rare. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
