
Hibiscus vitifolius L.

H. heterotrichus DC., Fioria vitifolia (L.) Mattei , Abelmoschus vitifolius (L.) Hassk.

Eng.: Grape Leaved Mallow.   Ara. (Egypt): Riba hamboak.

Shrub or perennial herbaceous plant, up to 1(1.6) m in height, with a dense tomentum of stellate hairs, with rigid and long glandular hairs, tuberculated at the base, especially in the stems. Stems erect, branched. Lower leaves not lobed, upper leaves 3-5-lobed; leaf blade 3-7(10) cm, ovate-cordate, dentate-serrated, with cordate base, acute apex. Petiole 2-8(12) cm. Stipules 3-5 mm, filiform, caducous. Flowers 5.5-7 cm in diameter, axillary, solitary; pedicel 1-3 cm. Epicalyx with 9-12 parts, 0.8-1.2 cm, subulate. Calyx 1.5-2 cm, with triangular-lanceolate lobes, acute, elongated and accrescent in fruit. Petals c. 4 × 2.5 cm, obovate, yellow with a garnet centre. Staminal column 1.5-2 cm. Fruit in 1-1.5 cm capsule, subglobose, villous, 5-winged; wings transversely striated, finely covered with short bristles along the veins and margins. Seeds 2.5 mm, reniform, tuberculated.


After rainfall, in autumn-winter towards the coast of the Red Sea.



In winter within the study area.


Forests, savannahs, degraded thickets, ditches, often in alluvial sands, and crops. It is found from coastal areas up to 3,000 m in altitude.


Tropical and subtropical Africa, Asia, Australia. In Africa it reaches to the N through Sudan to the SE of Egypt.

Conservation status:

Fairly rare species but widely distributed. Currently, it has not been assessed at a global level in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
