
Sorbus L.

Genus composed of about 244 species, distributed mainly across temperate and cold areas of the Northern Hemisphere. In North Africa it is represented by 6 species, distributed along the Mediterranean area. In this project the traditional nomenclature of the genus is followed, while also considering the recent phylogenetic nomenclatural proposal made by Sennikov & Kurtto (2017), included here in the synonymy of each taxon.

Aldasoro, J.J., Aedo, C., Muñoz Garmendia F., Pando de la Hoz, F. & Navarro, C. 2004. Revision of Sorbus Subgenera Aria and Torminaria (Rosaceae-Maloideae). Syst. Bot. Monogr.: 69

Sennikov, A.N. & Kurtto, A. 2017. A phylogenetic checklist of Sorbus s.l. (Rosaceae) in Europe. Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 93: 1–78.

Key to species

1 Leaves compound, imparipinnate Sorbus domestica

1 Leaves single, from dentate to lobed 2

2 Leaves entire, with serrated or double serrated margin Sorbus aria pp

2 Leaves ± deeply lobed 3

3 Leaves glabrous on the underside Sorbus torminalis

3 Leaves tomentose on the underside 4

4 Pome lenticels increasing in size from the apex to the base Sorbus latifolia

4 Pome lenticels subequal in size 5

5 Leaf blade with 5-7 pairs of secondary veins Sorbus umbellata

5 Leaf blade with 8-14 pairs of secondary veins Sorbus aria pp

Updated by: A.V. Pérez Latorre.
