
Fraxinus (Tourn.) L.

Genus composed of about 60 species of trees, distributed mainly throughout the northern Hemisphere. In North Africa it is represented by 2 species, both in the Mediterranean area, but with very different ecology. F. angustifolia is a tree typical of riverbeds and soils that are very humid throughout the year, while F. dimorpha generally behaves like a forest tree.

Key to species

1 Leaves all equal, with lanceolate leaflets, with sharp teeth. Buds light brown. Samaras ovate-lanceolate, acute Fraxinus angustifolia

1 Adult leaves in well developed parts with shallow teeth; leaves from lower parts, buds and new shoots very small, with very obtuse teeth Fraxinus dimorpha

Updated by: M. Cueto, E. Giménez & J. Charco.
