
Combretum Loefl.

Genus composed of about 480 species of small trees, bushes and lianas, distributed through tropical and sub-tropical countries, mostly in Africa (where over 300 species grow), and a few in America and Asia. In North Africa, only 1 species is found, a small tree or shrub of tropical distribution: C. aculeatum. However, as one travels south of the Sahel and reaches the tropical forest, a larger number of species start appearing, such as the trees C. adenogonium Steud. ex A. Rich. (C. ghasalense Engl. & Diels., C. undulatum Engl. & Diels.), C collinum Fresen., C. gallabatense Schweinf., C. hartmannianum Schweinf. and C. molle R.Br. ex G. Don (C. lepidotum A. Rich., C. gueinzii Sond., C. splendens Engl.), and the woody liana C. capituliflorum Fenzl ex Schweinf.

Updated by: J. Charco.
