
Colutea L.

Genus composed of 25 species distributed mainly in the Mediterranean region (southern Europe, North Africa, western and central Asia), which is only represented by 2 species in North Africa. All species have imparipinnate leaves, flowers with an orbicular standard with 2 conspicuous protuberances at the base, and inflated pods, membranous-papery and indehiscent, with seeds that make rattle noises when the pod is shaken.According The Plant List, C. istria (endemic to the Sinai Peninsula) is a misapplied name of C. abyssinica but here we will follow the Polish monographer Kasimierz Browicz (1963) who clearly differentiates both species (in 2 different subsections) and we agree with the opinion of Loutfy Boulos (Flora of Egypt) an Avinoam Danin (Flora of Israel online).

Browicz, K., 1963. The genus Colutea L.. A monograph. Monogr. Bot. 14 (1)-136.

Quézel, P. & Santa, S. 1962. Nouvelle flore de l’Algérie et des régions désertiques méridionales. CNRS. Tomo I. 516 pp.

Key to species

1 Bark of old branches peel off leaving a greyish-brown layer obscuring the wood. Leaves simple, with no secondary fascicles Colutea atlantica

1 Bark of old branches peels off into long strips, exposing the red, shiny and polished wood. Leaves in axillary fascicles Colutea istria

Updated by: H. Sainz.
