
Chrozophora Juss.

Genus comprised of 4 species in North Africa, of which 4 are present in N Africa. 2 of these, C. brocchiana and C. oblongifolia, have woody stems, at least at the base. They are tropical subshrubs that towards the N reaches the central Sahara and Egypt.

Key to species

1 Leaves ovate-deltoid, up to 2.5 cm long, subsessile,petiole up to 0.4 cm. Capsule subsessile Chrozophora brocchiana

1 Leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 7 cm long, with petioleup to 4 cm. Capsule longly pedicellate Chrozophora oblongifolia

Updated by: F.J. Pérez García, J.F. Mota Poveda & J. Charco.
