
Alhagi Gagnebin

Genus composed of 9 species of perennial herbaceous plants or subshrubs highly branched and spiny, with simple deciduous leaves. Represented by a single species, A. graecorum, in North Africa.

Amirkhosravi, A., Asri, Y., Assadi, M. & Mehregan, I. 2020. Systematics of Alhagi: molecular phylogeny and morphology revisited. Rostaniha 21(2): 174–184.

Amirkhosravi, A., Asri, Y., Assadi, M. & Mehregan, I. 2021. Genetic structure of Alhagi (Hedysareae, Fabaceae) populations using ISSR data in Iran. Molecular Biology Reports. Vol 48: 5143–5150.

Updated by: H. Sainz & J. Charco.
