
CUPRESSACEAE Rich. ex Bartling

Family of trees and shrubs comprising 32 genera and approximately 160 species distributed around the globe. Its forest dynamics in the Old World is complex, because the species are very primitive and base their success on longevity. There have no great forestry value, but the essence and resins of some species are used in industry, medicine or for making liquors like gin. However, its greatest value is the fact that the species are living vestiges of the Tertiary flora, which fully justifies their conservation.

Key to genera

1 Leaves acicular or squamiform. Fruits fleshy not dehiscent (galbuli) Juniperus

1 Leaves squamiform. Fruits woody and dehiscent (strobili) 2

2 Strobili with 4 verticillate scales, with 2 seeds per scale Tetraclinis

2 Strobili with more than 4 opposite and peltate scales, with more than 5 seeds per scale Cupressus

Updated by: G. Benítez, J. Molero Mesa & J. Charco.
